Title: Easy Earn - Bitcoin mining: mine the BTC cryptocurrency

Start earning up to 14% APR with Easy Earn

  • Unprecedented APR for passive income
  • Open Easy Earn account just with one click
  • Easily withdraw your crypto at any time
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How does Easy Earn work?

Easy Earn allows you to earn rewards by depositing your Tokens either for Flexible or Fixed terms. Flexible Products can be subscribed to and redeemed at any time. Fixed Products will be redeemed at the specified Date for each subscription, and your tokens will automatically switch to Flexible Products. If you choose to redeem early, your digital assets will be returned to your spot wallet.

What rewards can I earn for Flexible Products?

Flexible Products distribute rewards based on Real-Time APR and Promo APR. Rewards are rounded down to 8 decimal places. Real-Time APR gives you a live indication of the rewards you can receive and can change every minute. Rewards are accrued and directly accumulated in your Earn account every minute. Promo APR is offered on selected Products through a tiered rate structure, and it may change daily. These rewards are accrued the day after subscription and credited to your Spot Wallet the next day (two days after subscription) between 00:00 UTC and 08:00 UTC.

What is the redemption policy for Flexible Products?

Upon successful processing of redemption requests, your Flexible Product assets will be returned to your Spot Wallet immediately. Please note that daily redemption limits apply to each Flexible Product and may change at any time. Delays in receiving redemption proceeds can occur due to factors like market volatility, network delays, or a significant number of simultaneous redemption requests from other ECOS users.

Where can I find my earned rewards for Flexible Products?

Real-Time APR rewards are added directly to the balance of each Flexible Product in your Earn account (not your Spot Wallet) every minute. Promo APR rewards are distributed to your Spot Wallet daily. You can check your Earn account for earned rewards or refer to Easy Earn History for historical records.

What rewards can I earn for Fixed Products?

Fixed Product APR can change daily. Rewards are accrued the day after subscription and credited to your Spot Wallet the next day (two days after subscription) between 00:00 UTC and 08:00 UTC.

What happens if I redeem my Fixed Products early?

For selected Fixed Products, early redemption will result in a loss of all received rewards. The principal amount redeemed will be deducted by the distributed rewards in your Spot Wallet.

How is APR determined, and what is the source of yield for Easy Earn rewards?

Easy Earn APR rewards are determined by ECOS and partners, considering various factors to ensure sustainable and competitive rewards for users. Deposited assets in Easy Earn may be used for on-chain staking, loaned to other users via Margin and Crypto Loan products, or for operational fees-generating purposes. ECOS may also run promotional campaigns sponsored by partnered projects with short-term promotional APR offerings on selected tokens.

Where can I find more information?

For more details, please refer to our articles in the Blog or Terms and Conditions.

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